Finding Solace Intensive Outpatient Program
Finding Solace is an outpatient day program that is conducted out of our office. Finding Solace bridges the gap between inpatient and traditional outpatient therapies. It offers intensive, time-limited, outpatient psychiatric services to clients living in the community. Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) meets the needs of individuals who require less than 24-hour care, but who need more comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and treatment than what can reasonably be provided in our traditional outpatient setting. Our IOP runs separate, specialized programs for adults and adolescents.
Finding Solace Services
Our IOP offers a full range of services that address the psychological, biological, and social aspects of each of our clients’ illnesses. Sessions are conducted in small-group settings using Psycho therapeutic and educational interventions that deliver a balance of support and structure to quickly improve an individual’s daily functioning. The program services include:
- Individual and intensive assessment
- Medication consultation and evaluation as needed
- Treatment with group, family, and individual psychotherapy
- Individualized treatment planning and scheduling
- Support in discharge planning
At the time of the initial evaluation, our Finding Solace staff works with the client to create an individualized treatment plan and schedule. On average, the commitment is three to five half-day sessions a week for approximately two to three weeks. A patient’s length of stay is always determined by individualized needs and response to treatment.
Our Approach
At Finding Solace, we take a team approach to treatment. This team includes the client and family, social workers, and the individual’s psychiatrist. The multidisciplinary team brings together its expertise to create a unique and individualized treatment plan based on each client’s needs. Treatment goals are established with the client’s participation and progress is monitored on a daily basis. The primary goal of treatment is to restore the client’s overall well-being and ability to function effectively in their home and community.
Advantages of our IOP level of care include:
- Many clients can avoid inpatient hospitalization if they and their outpatient providers intervene with IOP services in a timely manner.
- The IOP can be an alternative to inpatient hospitalization. Clients in crisis can be diverted to participate in the IOP and avoid the potential need for hospitalization.
- Shorten length of hospital stay
The IOP can also act as a step-down program for hospitalized inpatients. It is an effective mechanism for shortening inpatient length of stay. Clients with a stable home environment and adequate support can be discharged earlier to an IOP and can avoid lengthier hospitalizations.
Our program is designed to help participants resolve immediate problem areas and develop skills to sustain long-term growth. The program is also ideal for stabilizing those with a history of relapse or emotional instability.